Saturday, January 26, 2013

It begins

For the next few months i will be regularly posting on this blog as part of my journalism course at Buckingham university. This terms module is Introduction to reporting and by the end of the module, whatever comes of this foray into the blogging world will be marked by the feared external examiner and will contribute to my eventual degree, so fingers crossed!

What a day its been, arrive back home in Enfield at 7am, off to work in the warehouse at 9am, home at 6pm, to say im tired is an understatement.

After a long tiring day, all i fantasised about at work as i watched those final minutes tick by, was collapsing on my bed and sleeping for a minimum of 12 hours, but of course, the world has other plans.

I arrive home to find both my parents going to town in the kitchen, visitors, visitors, visitors, Sri Lankan houses never sleep!

Fortunately, i am no more the 14 year old who had to follow my parents everywhere, so i have managed to disappear upstairs into my room and after watching a few episodes of Prison Break i remembered this assignment so i thought i'd use my time more effectively and create this blog!

Plus i am working both sunday and monday so the good side of my brain advised me to get this over and done with, as forgetting to do so would mean feeling the wrath of Mr.Perkins.

Believe me, having experienced first hand the 'Perkins stare' following my time as Newsgroup leader last term, i wouldn't wish it upon anyone.

Wrapping this up here, the only positive about having visitors is the delicious food which awaits me downstairs.

Au Revoir!

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